
The South African agricultural sector has proved to have a huge potential for growth as articulated in several government policies, strategies and plans, and had also find expression in the development programmes and initiatives of a number of private sector plans and programmes. The adopted and widely lauded Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan, (AMMP) which the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, signed with stakeholders in May 2022, is a critical and major step towards the envisaged contribution of the agricultural sector to the national economic reconstruction and growth plan. The realisation of the AMMP’s goals and objectives is hinged on active participation by all stakeholders.

RexMa Agri Solutions' contribution would be through provision of services that have a specific focus on working with all stakeholders to scale up agricultural production and value chain activities that is inclusive, by working towards solutions to address the gaps in management and governance structures and systems. A particular emphasis is placed on new era farmers, aiming to support and contribute to the strategic priority of an inclusive agricultural sector. This would be achieved through the following contribution:

  1. Provision of specialist services to improve and strengthen the capacity to implement Agricultural development strategies and plans through:
    • Facilitating partnerships for new and existing agricultural development initiatives/projects that aim to develop and empower new era producers for their integration into various commodities' value chain segments and their meaningful participation thereof.
    • Facilitating the development of viable business operating models for new agricultural development projects and providing after-care advisory services
    • Facilitating development of funding proposals, and where necessary assist with business plan appraisals
    • Facilitating and coordinating access to agri produce market information and market linkages
    • Facilitating and coordinating access to agricultural production inputs
  2. Offering advisory services to community owned projects on governance issues
  3. Making contributions on policy/strategy reviews, in relation to agricultural development and food systems transformation.
RexMa Agri Solutions


Best client-centric professional services within reach


To empower farmers and communities to realise their economic dreams and sustenance through agriculture


Playing our part towards food systems transformation and sustainable community livelihoods